Pleterje Trail
Pleterje Trail
The Pleterje Trail circles the only still-inhabited Carthusian monastery in our country, which is located in the municipality of Šentjernej. Mysterious and hidden to the eye, it defies the ravages of time and evaporates a special atmosphere.
Pot Mikulovega vraga z oslički
Pot Mikulovega vraga z oslički
Mali košček raja smo pred kratkim našli v občini Kostel, Skrita in tik ob meji, vendar nudi ogromno možnosti za preživljanje prostega časa. Ljudje so med seboj povezani in pišejo uspešno turistično zgodbo. Šli smo pogledat Pot Mikulovega vraga. Še ena krožna pešpot boste rekli, pa temu ni čisto tako.
Prilozje Ponds and Rožanec Mithaeum
Prilozje Ponds and Rožanec Mithaeum
White Carniola statistical region (Bela Krajina) does not disappoint and even if you spend several days there, it is an inexhaustible source of truly exceptional excursions. The diversity of the landscape, historical monuments and the preservation of tradition will leave a lasting impression.
Travna Gora Mountain Hut
Travna Gora Mountain Hut
There are so many hills beckoning us to climb them and admire the views up there. Take a relaxing Sunday walk with your kids from the village of Nova Štifta to the Travna gora Mountain Hut.
Trimmigo Trim Track in Mirna
Trimmigo Trim Track in Mirna
Mirna is a small town with quite a few interesting sights. One of such landmarks is the magnificent castle (the locals call it the sleeping princess), which is currently unfortunately falling into ruin.